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Elon Musk plans in German town put on hold as locals vow to ‘turn off Tesla’s taps’

Locals in a German town have vowed to “fight” Elon Musk and Tesla after the company’s plan to expand its factory was voted down.
Residents of Grünheide in Brandenburg, southeast of Berlin, rejected Tesla’s plan for a development that would have allowed for easier movement of the vehicles in and out of the factory.
One of the main reasons the plan was voted down was because of locals’ reservations regarding the groundwater required by the plant.
Locals were concerned that the expansion could end up having an impact on drinking water in the town.
Tesla said after the vote that the plan would have been “a big win for the community”, adding that it would “seek dialogue with all participants to decide on further steps”.
READ MORE: Elon Musk fails to deliver feature promised in $120k Cybertruck, drivers irate 
But locals have once again vowed to stop Musk’s expansion plan.
A campaign called “Turn off Tesla’s taps” has even been started in the area.
Lou Winters from the group told The Telegraph: “Tesla brought a lot of noise and air pollution in the region because of all the trucks that drive every day over the streets.
“I talk to people who moved some years ago to Grünheide for the fresh air, for the calmness.
“Now almost nothing is left of this. For the first time in the history of the factory, the people of the region had the chance to say whether they wanted the expansion or not.
“Whatever Elon Musk’s plans are, our fight will go on!”
As Tesla is forced back to the drawing board over its plans to expand the factory, environmentalists continued their campaign on Monday by occupying a part of the nearby forest.
They have built tree houses in the area so they can camp there.
